One of the simplest of all of the treatments for depression that you can perform at home is obtaining a good, full night of sleep each night. About 15% of adults have insomnia, and most of them suffer from depression as well. Depression and insomnia have gone together hand in hand for years, and there’s a very clear, obvious link between them.
Truth is that although 15% of depressed individuals sleep in excess, 80% of them suffer from long, sleepless nights, either unable to fall asleep or constantly waking up throughout the night. Insomnia isn’t just caused by depression, but maybe an early sign of oncoming depression. Those individuals who have distorted sleep patterns may have something going on subconsciously that is indicating the onset of depression within the near future. While it’s not always the case, there’s a correlation there. Depression and insomnia have been best friends (and your worst enemies) for years.
Pull Your Sleep Patterns Together
Whenever you are stressed, feeling down, and have a great deal on your mind, obviously it keeps your mind from calming down sufficiently to even fall asleep or stay asleep. Laying in bed unable to sleep is when we dwell on our problems. Improper sleep cycles do not let your mind or body get the rest it needs from the day, thus draining you of the energy you should use the next day. This cycle, left unchecked, is endless and keeps you low on energy and in a depressed state for longer periods.
Getting your sleep patterns in order will permit you to wake up feeling much better. But obtaining that full night of sleep is the tricky component and does need a bit of effort. It’ll do you good to attempt to calm your mind and your body before going to bed. Try to do things to take your mind off of your problems like listening to soothing music or meditating to put you in a more tranquil state. Here are some other things you can try:
Set distinct goals of times you wish to go to bed each night and when you wish to get up in the morning and stick to them.
Setting up a pattern will assist you get into a routine of sleeping right. Steer clear of sleeping throughout the day if you can, or sleeping in late even should you have a bad night. You can’t ‘catch up’ on sleep, once it’s gone, it’s gone. Try and force yourself to get up in the morning and stay away until closer to your designated time of going to bed. This will ensure that you’re tired enough whenever you do go to bed to fall right asleep.
Get some exercise throughout the day, even if it’s just as simple as going for a walk every day.
Exercise itself has proven to be an antidepressant as well as helping to make your body sufficiently tired so that it’s ready to recharge when you sleep. Steer clear of exercise right before bedtime though. Exercise gets your body going, and you do not want that whenever you are attempting to fall asleep.
Avoid caffeine in the evening.
Caffeine stimulates your body and gets it going so it is much better to have it early in the day and drink caffeine-free drinks at night. Likewise, steer clear of eating really large meals right before going to bed. Falling asleep on a full stomach is harder to do than one that is not as full.
Don’t Think About Anything
With your mind calmed when you go to bed, attempt to not think about anything. Keep your mind clear and hopefully, you will quickly and easily fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Should you still be unable to fall asleep, try writing down the things that are worrying you to get them out of your head? Repeatedly tell your self whenever you start thinking of these things again that you’ll deal with them tomorrow.
Those are simple yet powerful things that you can do to not just improve yourself but improve your mood and well-being. Don’t be fooled by these easy steps, good sleeping habits are difficult to form! Yet, with proper diet, exercise and a clear mind, you can improve your sleep and mental health without popping a single pill.